Life begins outdoor

Posts tagged “workout

Summer is over

The rain is already with us, tossing silent air. – Salvatore Quasimodo

Summer is over now, and it rains almost everyday now. As I am waiting for those ‘go moments’ for my next outdoor adventures, I am consistently working out to prepare my body.

Still sticking to that 2,000 calories diet but having a hard time eating healthy foods, as my busy schedule wont allow me to shop and cook for the family.

Basically my current routine is:

  • Block A – Upright bike 30-45 minutes/cardio (or biking/running when it’s not raining)
  • Block B – Upper body workout/weights training and core workout

I do Block A for day 1, then Block B the next day, then Block A, then B…

After these workouts, I usually eat rice meals and have mug(s) of Milo Chocolate drink mixed withAlaskafresh milk. I also eat a lot of banana and cereals.

Hydration is very important so I always bring with me my (buy 1 take 1) Lock and Lock 700ml reusable bottle, a few refills a day keeps me craving for meals and also keeps me hydrated everytime.

Just this week I tried eating a lot of Century Tuna, and I am now looking for a good Fish Oil supplement in capsule. I am still researching more on this and would tell you more about it on my next write-up.

Current goal is to make my body used to 10K runs and get that sub-50 minutes on a 10K. It will take a lot of hard work ad discipline. See you outdoor! (or indoor in some café when it’s raining.) Ciao.

Hill Run again

Feeling great after a 40 minute hill run. Felt a little drain at around 30 mins, but yes, there’s a second wind and the 10 minutes (or more) could mean so much in a good run.

I’m beginning to love this hill run.

300 meters uphill and 300 meters downhill and 100 meters flat in between where I do my little sprint. Just finished 40 minutes of this….

I can feel the pressure on my lower and I have to get some carbo and protein now.


Dumbbells for upper body workout

Dumbbells or (hand weights) are great for upper body work and body toning. And to those who don’t have time (and money) for a gym membership, dumbbells are great alternative.

As a runner, mountain biker and occasional mountain climber, I need some upper body strength. Running, biking and climbing are concentrated more on lower body workouts, so to maintain a balance body tone, I need some uppers.

First, need to set some goals and an upper body workout program. As mentioned above, I do not need a Schwarzenegger figure as I am eyeing for something that will compliment my running, biking and climbing. Basically I’ll need some upper body/muscle toning and strength building.

What I need is a pair of light dumbbells for a starter. There are plenty to choose from but I bought the Spinlock Adjustable Dumbbells which consist of a metal bar whose centre portion is often engraved with a crosshatch pattern (knurling) to improve grip or sometimes rubberized grips. This can be loaded with Weight Disks or typically called Plates and secured with clips or collars (spinlocks).

Compared to Fixed Weight Dumbbells, I can easily add more weights buy just buying a 5-pound or a 10-pound weight discs and slide it in to put more focus on strength exercises.

I got a pair of spinlock dumbbells at Chris Sports (SM Malls) at Php750 which consist of the following: Two metal bars with rubberized grips, four 2.5-pound weight discs, and four pieces collars for the lock. It could be cheaper if I went to Quiapo Manila, but for only Php750, I think it’s not worth the half day trip.

Here’s my program for the dumbbell workout using a pair of 5-pound dumbbells:

  • Stretching (10-15 minutes): back stretch, chest stretch, rear arm stretch, shoulder rolls, posterior shoulder stretch, forearm stretch.
  • Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 20 (For beginners 2 sets of 12 for 2 weeks, Monday-Wednesday-Friday)
  • DB (Dumbbell) Bench Press: 3 sets of 20
  • Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 20 (I love doing this)
  • Posterior Raise: 3 sets of 20 (I also love this)
  • Front Raise: 3 sets of 20
  • Triceps Extension: 2 sets of 15 (10-pound single dumbbell – Put four 2.5 pounds weight discs on a dumbbell bar.)
  • One Arm DB Row: 3 sets of 20 (10-pound single dumbbell)

I use a wrist watch to time my intervals to 30-40 seconds per set. And 1 minute rest between DB exercises.

Remember to exhale during the lifting phase, and inhale while lowering the weights slowly taking care not to bang the dumbbells together.

It usually takes around 25 to 35 minutes to do all these sets and DB exercises.

After the upper body workout, I always try to hydrate and eat within the next 30–50 minutes. I eat meals loaded with carbohydrates, proteins and calcium on them. Rice meals are great with, fish, beef and eggs. I also mix fresh milk with chocolate drinks (Miloand Alaska Slim fresh milk fits my budget). This is my typical recovery meal to replenish lost calories and for muscle repairs. I also stick to my 2,000 calories a day diet. Running, biking, and workout like this will not work if there’s no diet in them. My mind is set on: I can eat anything but I will not eat too much – besides its gluttony. Our body needs around 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day. If you’re just sitting around you’ll just need around a thousand or more calories to function well.

Dumbbell workouts added a significant change in my upper body strength after just a few weeks, and it compliments my running, biking and mountain climbing. It also makes me feel complete, as I gain balance to both my upper and lower body.