Life begins outdoor

Posts tagged “10K

Nike – We Run Manila 10K

Got my race kit today. Special thanks to She and my other running buddies – Mae and William. We’re ready to hit the road on October 15.

Amazing race kit. Dri-fit shirt, water bottle, info material, d-tag time chip. ^_^

Been raining since Monday and can’t wait to do a run before the event. I’m just gonna do some spinning workout.

Nike – Run Manila 2011

Already registered on Nike – Run Manila 2011 10K run.

Eyeing on 1 hour or less for the 10K run – Tons of freebies ^_^

Running in the Zone (part 2)

Since I tried incorporating Heart Rate Training or Training in the Zone, using my Timex heart rate monitor watch t5g941 my running has changed.

There was this consciousness in maintaining an appropriate effort in each run. It’s like giving the right intensity for a specific goal.

Last Monday, I worked on a 10 kilometer run, and try to work in my Zone 2 or Endurance Run. Using the Timex HRM watch, I was able to maintain the right intensity to finish a 10K in 1 hour and 10 minutes, still fresh. My average HR is around 157bpm on this run and it peaks at 170+.

Unlike before, I was always running at 80-95% intensity and finishes each run totally empty or can’t even complete the desired distance or even maintain an ideal pace.

Running with the heart rate monitor, helps me keep the intensity and the consistency in delivering a good pace for an endurance run. (Endurance Run is something that last within 1 to 3 hours).

I would like to build on this base and after a month or more, will try working on the consistency of delivering at Zone 2-3 intensity for a 10K. Hopefully, I will try to run my 10K in 50 minutes or less.

Four weeks to duathlon

It was supposed to be a 5K run but ended up running a10K (as Coach Jay Sales suggested to make my program 5K-10K-10K or 10K-10K-15K). Second wind, that’s it. Still have more in the tank but I was happy completing 25 oval loops. My time was 1 hour and 3 minutes. Love the slow burning sensation.

There’s this duathlon coming this June 5, 2011 (Sunday) and I am planning to join this race in Nuvali. It’s a trail event so I am still unsure on what to expect because most of my trails are not actually run, but more mountain bike rides. So I was looking forward to have a good trail run this week.

The Men’s Health All Terrain Race is a 10K trail run and 20K trail mountain bike ride. Entrance to the event is Php800, and there’s also just a trail run (5K, 10K and 16K) and bike race (20K and 40K).

I am now training for the duathlon and my schedule is 5K, 10K, 10K MWF and 50km bike on weekends.

I still have 4 weeks and I do upper body weights training in-between the run. I am building some mileage and I plan to make it to the top 10 finisher for the trail event.