Life begins outdoor

Archive for September 6, 2011

Heart Rate Training

I am now trying to follow this guide for my heart rate training. Somehow I find it more systematic than to just “run like an animal” all the time. Yesterday, I did a recovery run and finished a 5K at 36 minutes. My MWF days are for running and the TTH are for core and upper body workout. I have to make my Sat and Sun as my bike days.

How I wish I could squeeze in some swimming lessons, but right now, these are reasonable and attainable plan for me.

Lately  my 5K is around 27-28 minutes. I’d like to get that 5K in 25 minutes (or less) or that 10K in 50 minutes, I nailed that 25 minutes last year but due to patella problems on my knee, I was grounded for months.

Getting back to some serious running. Be safe everyone, see you on trails.