Life begins outdoor

Counting Calories/Tracking Weight

I was 139 pounds (63 kilos) last December 2010 when I decided to put a cap on it. I am 5 feet 5 inches and I can feel this heavy drag when running or biking. I read this article on Outside Magazine regarding losing weight and if I am to track it down, and seriously work on my weight, I have to watch my diet and not just run and bike.

I also discovered where I can track everything from my diet, my weight, my training etc. I started using the online tracker in January 18, 2011 – my target was 125-130 lbs.

My diet philosophy is quite simple – I eat everything but only to 2000 calories a day. I do my MWF run and weekly bike. And this month, I started to also work on my core and upper body using dumbbells.

I got my 130 pounds March 14 (3 months) after I start tracking.

I feel very happy with the results. I got off that 10 pounds (4.5 kilos) and feels a little more lighter on my running and biking.

A little advice:

If you want to lose weight, you have to become aware of everything you eat. If your job is sitting 8 hours in front of the PC, 1500 calories could get you the whole day. If your work or lifestyle involves carrying things and moving around, 2000 calories should be enough.

This is how I start weight control program, counting calories.

It will not be comfortable at first putting a cap on everything you eat. I was consuming a great deal of calories before (3000 or more) and I realized that I only need as little as 1500-2000 a day.

You just track everything, it will be more math on the first few weeks but after that, it will be more like telling time and you just know and feel how much calories you already consume.

When you get used to 1500 to 2000 calories a day, then you may start working out: running, biking, gym, etc.

It will be another story.

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