Life begins outdoor

Archive for April 20, 2011

Hill sessions

My quick 5K in the oval turned into red light when it began raining Tuesday late afternoon.  I rushed back home thinking of doing some upright bike instead.

The weather changed as I parked my bike, it stopped raining.

The oval is good but rolling hills are better. ^_^

I am lucky to have a house built around rolling hills. For aesthetics, yes, it’s a great view watching the roads drift like waves from one  street to another. Cars and people disappear like ships and sunsets sink on the horizon.

But rolling hills are tough and challenging – for runners (and joggers), hills are rhythm breakers, it’s harder to run faster and even walking put immense strain on your body when going uphill.

But hills are very good for running. Hill training develops leg-muscle strength, stride length and speed, improves cardiovascular system and helps in expanding running economy.

A 20-minute uphill and downhill sessions, cool down/stretching, then dinner with my daughters and some play time with them made my day complete.